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The United Nations Population Fund-UNFPA Equatorial Guinea launched its National Consultations prior to designing its eighth Country Program Document (8th CPD 2024-2028)

The United Nations Population Fund-UNFPA Equatorial Guinea launched its National Consultations prior to designing its eighth Country Program Document  (8th CPD 2024-2028)

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The United Nations Population Fund-UNFPA Equatorial Guinea launched its National Consultations prior to designing its eighth Country Program Document (8th CPD 2024-2028)

calendar_today 23 Febrero 2023

Photo credit / UNFPA-EQG Flora/Family Photo Formulation Workshop 8th Country Program-Malabo
Photo credit / UNFPA-EQG Flora/Family Photo Formulation Workshop 8th Country Program-Malabo

Malabo 14-15 February 2023. The Seventh Country Program Document CPD7 between the Government of Equatorial Guinea and UNFPA, which covers the period 2019-2023, ends in December 2023 and UNFPA launched the elaboration of the 8th CPD 2024-2028. Against this backdrop, key ministerial departments representatives, donors, Civil Society Organizations and Sister UN agencies were invited to a workshop from 14 to 15 February at the Anda China Hotel in Malabo to initiate national consultations and conduct the periodization exercise for the formulating of the eighth Country Program Document (CPD-8).

The eighth program covering the period 2024-2028 will be developed in line with the national priorities identified by the Government in its Agenda 2035 and in line with the National Health Development Plan (PNDS) 2021-2025. This new program of cooperation will also be aligned with the new United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2024-2028 and the UNFPA Strategic Plan 2022-2025.

CPD-8 ambitions to represent UNFPA contribution to the achievement of the national priorities, objectives and results established in the UNSDCF with an indication of 5 years resources required to achieve these results. It will include information on program management, monitoring, evaluation, risk management, implementation modalities and partnerships to be developed. After its endorsement by the Government, it will be presented to the Executive Board in September 2023.

To this end, UNFPA shared its roadmap and its methodological note framing the entire CPD-8 preparation process, in line with the UNSDCF and national priorities.

The CPD-8 formulation process will be informed by the lessons learned from the already completed external evaluation of the UNFPA seventh Country Program Document 2019-2023, from the ongoing 2019-2023 UNDAF evaluation, from the Common Country Assessment (CCA), and the prioritization exercise under the next UNSDCF cycle.


The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the sexual and reproductive health agency of the United Nations. UNFPA is in more than 150 countries to improve the lives of all people. Its mission is to contribute to a world in which all pregnancies are wanted, all births are safe, and all young people realize their potential.  

In Equatorial Guinea UNFPA implements it 7th Country Program 2019-2023 designed around three main pillars: Sexual and reproductive health; Gender equality and women’s empowerment and Population and development. Visit us at: http://www.unfpa.org/ and at  http://equatorialguinea.unfpa.org/ Follow us on: Twitter,  https://twitter.com/unfpa_EQGuinea and Facebook

For more information, contact:

Flora Isabel, Communication Officer, UNFPA Equatorial Guinea:obamamokuy@unfpa.org ­240/ 222 116 861.