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UNFPA Equatorial Guinea, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and NGOs carried out the "National Campaign on STIs/HIV/AIDS” targeting key populations

UNFPA Equatorial Guinea, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and NGOs carried out the "National Campaign on STIs/HIV/AIDS” targeting key populations

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UNFPA Equatorial Guinea, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and NGOs carried out the "National Campaign on STIs/HIV/AIDS” targeting key populations

calendar_today 02 Agosto 2022

Photo credit: UNFPA-MINSABS coordination team. NGOs in front, and some key population leaders
Photo credit: UNFPA-MINSABS coordination team. NGOs in front, and some key population leaders

In 2021, a national survey on LGBTI realities, sex workers and prisoners was conducted in the cities of Malabo, Bata, Ebibeyin and Mongomo - Equatorial Guinea, where a total of 400 people who share social conditions that place them at "risk of risk" of HIV / AIDS / STIs were interviewed.  More than half of the cases were young people between 15 and 25 years of age, 30% of whom were male and 70% female.


In view of the problems faced by this group, as well as the various barriers to the realization of their sexual and reproductive rights, UNFPA has prioritized in its UBRAFGNQ76 annual work plan (AWP) 2022 a national campaign of information, awareness and prevention of HIV/AIDS/STIs. The promotion of condom use, the exercise of human rights and a better quality of life for this population group have been prioritized as well.


Key populations are important to the dynamics of HIV transmission and are essential partners for an effective response to the epidemic. The national HIV/AIDS/STI awareness campaign targeting key populations has been conducted from July 19-31, 2022, in the cities (provincial capitals) of Malabo, Bata, Ebibeyin and Mongomo respectively.

A total of 289 people from the key population group have been sensitized, out of which 38 were male and 251 were female; and a total of 23,040 condoms and different IEC material have been distributed during the HIV/AIDS/STI awareness sessions. It has been noted that stigmatization and discrimination against same-sex relationships, sex work, including in the health sector, prevent key populations from accessing HIV prevention services.

In all the sites visited, attendees emphasized that criminalization and stigmatization of same-sex relationships and sex work, as well as discrimination, including in the health sector, prevent key populations from accessing HIV prevention services. Effective government support and HIV Prevention and Treatment Partners provide tailored services for each group. However, they are currently too few and far between to achieve a significant decrease in new infections.



The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the sexual and reproductive health agency of the United Nations. UNFPA is in more than 150 countries to improve the lives of all people. Its mission is to contribute to a world in which all pregnancies are wanted, all births are safe, and all young people realize their potential.  Visit us at: http://www.unfpa.org/ and at  http://equatorialguinea.unfpa.org/ Follow us on: Twitter,  https://twitter.com/unfpa_EQGuinea and Facebook

For moreinformation, contact:

Flora Isabel, Communication Officer, UNFPA Equatorial Guinea:obamamokuy@unfpa.org ­240/ 222 116 861.